Gosh all I want to do is ramble on and on about the food that is piling up at work it is getting insane!!! They have even began to past out cookies and when you refuse to take one your being mean or rude. I cannot really believe how crazy the holidays can make people; I feel like in outcast because I am not joining in all the food festivities but I am not going to gain one pound from holiday food this year. This morning I woke up with very sore lower abs everything I do hurts from laughing to bending. Burpees are a very difficult exercise and have been killing me; I do 3 sets of 10 and I take a 2 minute break for every 2 burpees I do. I can tell you that although they are not my favorite exercise they will do the job..
google.com, pub-1067839637360246, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
ichoosetolivestronger says
Burpees… yuck! I did a pile of sit ups yesterday and have sore abs today, too. Good for you on making goals going into the holidays. No gain! Stay strong.
savynaturalista says
Thank you 🙂