I finally woke up feeling much better my today I guess my cold has subsided a bit however I still have a cough of an old man. The much needed rest and a big pot of veggie soup with spicy broth can soothed the throat. The problem with making big pots of soup is you have left overs for three or four days, and I refuse to let anything go to waste so I half to pair it with other yummy vegetables are whatever goes well with soup. I decided to roast some asparagus and pair it with the soup for dinner what could be better.
google.com, pub-1067839637360246, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
ichoosetolivestronger says
i love roasted asparagus! it is a new thing to me. i always over cook it…terrible at multi tasking apparently. Ha. But I still love the tops! Try Kale and green beans, too…yum!
savynaturalista says
I am gonna try kale and green beans.. I know they are bitter but I am gonna give them a try again.. I am happy I am not the only one that over cooks asparagus…