Hello everyone I am under the weather still so I caved on my low carb diet and had some chicken noodle soup. I will have another challenge asap(who is with me!!!). The chicken noodles soup helped soothe my throat I hope I am able to get rid of this cold pretty soon every time the weather changes I always end up with cold.
Today is the official start of the Christmas season at work so everyone is handing out gifts like crazy; today I got some apple butter that I opened and it had a very interesting flavor it was neither good nor bad. I just decided I would never use it ever in any cooking I was about to throw it away, but I am really not one to ever waist food. What do you do with apple butter gone bland? Well you put it in the dehydrator and try to make fruit leather… It is in the dehydrator as I am writing this and we will see the finish product for tomorrow.
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